
A documentary exploring two generations of women. Three young women and two older ones virtually confront themselves and talk about their past experiences and future hopes. The documentary wants to suggest a new approach to contemporary Italian feminism, one that relies on testimonies, history, and a critical process that avoids becoming judgemental.

locandina del documentario di Caterina Fassina con ragazza che fuma sul Lungotevere di Roma
locandina del documentario di Caterina Fassina con ragazza che fuma sul Lungotevere di Roma


About Dignity

A video installation inspired by my upbringing and the myths I was brought to believe during my education. As a female, I saw adult men’s hypocrisy, proclaiming that women should repress their bodies’ sexual potential while craving for their bodies. I wanted to expose the harm such behaviors inflict on survivors grown up in a Catholic environment where human rights and caring love should be celebrated.

Locandina di una video installazione di Caterina Fassina con ragazza che si guarda allo specchio
Locandina di una video installazione di Caterina Fassina con ragazza che si guarda allo specchio

A short film dedicated to all the Italian young people experiencing the trauma associated with COVID-19. The film explores how the conception of space mutates when external forces question the notion of time for young people. It is the story of a young woman who wakes up every day in her teenage room. The film follows her before leaving her grandma. Still, she wakes up again in her room as soon as the door closes behind her. She is stuck in an ongoing confrontation with her grandma, who lives both time and space differently.

locandina di uno short film di Caterina Fassina con donna anziana che ride e si nasconde
locandina di uno short film di Caterina Fassina con donna anziana che ride e si nasconde

Time to Leave

A short documentary that raises a question about the negative understanding of falling out of love. Is it only a failure? What do we experience when a romantic relationship dies?
Locandina di uno short documentary di Caterina Fassina con titolo su sfondo nero
Locandina di uno short documentary di Caterina Fassina con titolo su sfondo nero

Ashes of phoenix